チーム弁護 Team Defense わたしたちは単独ではなく、チームで弁護します。ケースをチームで検討し、チームで活動します。1人の主任弁護人を事務所全体で支えます。そうすることで、あらゆる事態に迅速に対応でき、弁護の質を常に最高水準に保つことができます。
研鑽 Training わたしたちは最新の法知識と最も効果的な弁護技術の研鑽に務めています。公判前整理手続や裁判員裁判の知識や経験を深めるとともに、法医学や供述心理学などの専門家との連携にも力を入れています。
依頼人の最善の利益 Best Interest of Client わたしたちはどんな場合でも、世間がなんと言おうと、あなたの味方です。常に依頼人にとって最善の利益はなにかということを弁護活動の指針とします。そのために、依頼人の話をとことん聞き、その意見を尊重して専門的判断を行います。
すべての人に最高の弁護を。 Best Defense for All.
弁護を拒まない。 We Defend Everybody.[:en]Criminal Defense is highly professional work. And it has direct effect on lives of the clients and their family. Having clients be released as soon as possible; avoiding prosecution of innocent persons; acquiring acquittals when prosecuted; pursuing the best result for clients by timely providing advantageous evidence to public prosecutors and/or judges. These requires skilled defense techniques based on accurate legal knowledge. This tendency has been accelerated by procedures including disclosure of evidence, pretrials, and lay-judge court system which was adopted recently. In short, attorney’s skill directly reflects the result which clients should bear.
Takashi Takano, representative partner of our office, has devoted over 30 years of his career to criminal defense. He had learned the rule of evidence and cutting edge of criminal trial advocacy in US, and he has been one of the leading Japanese criminal defense lawyers since then. He is also working hard to teach and deliver his knowledge to Japanese young lawyers, as founder and representative manager of Tokyo Academy of Trial Advocacy, as well as chairperson of trial advocacy project team of Japan Bar Association. In the very severe situation of Japanese criminal justice system, where the conviction rate climbs up to 99%, the number of acquittals he has got is outstanding. Talking only about lay-judge courts, he has acquired 3 perfect not guilty verdicts and 3 partial not guilty verdicts, out of 7 not guilty plea cases.
Every other attorney in our office has been working with Takano for a long time and thus he/she can provide the same criminal defense techniques as Takano, based on the same defense theory. They are the young warriors who decided to devote themselves to criminal defense work with Takano.
Team Defense We defend you as a team, not individuals. We review a case together, and work together. Though we decide a chief defense counsel for each case, but we work together. That is why we can provide best defense at any time.
Training We vigorously keep our knowledge and techniques updated. We share the experience and latest information about hard cases which would go through pretrial proceedings and/or lay-judge trials, meanwhile we learn specialized knowledge through working with experts including forensic pathologists and witness psychologists.
Best Interest of Client We are staying on your side whatever would happen, what other people would say. Our basic standing point is to pursue the best interest to our clients. To realize this object, we hear and respect your story.
The Mottoes of the Law Office of Takashi Takano:
Best Defense for All.
We Defend Everybody.[:]